

set terminal postscript eps
set output 'mygraph001.eps'
# set logscale x 2
set nologscale x
set nologscale y
set xlabel "matrix size"
set ylabel "elapsed time (seconds)"
set size 0.6,0.6
set key 200,4.5
set grid ytics
set ytics 1
set mytics 2
plot [0:1500][0:5] 'mygraph001.dat' using ($2):(($1 == 0) ? $3 : 1/0) \
                    title 'Left' with linespoints, \
                   'mygraph001.dat' using ($2):(($1 == 1) ? $3 : 1/0) \
                    title 'Right' with linespoints, \
                   'mygraph001.dat' using ($2):(($1 == 2) ? $3 : 1/0) \
                    title 'Crout' with linespoints
# pause -1


0 100 0.51
0 200 0.71
0 300 1.11
1 100 0.61
1 200 0.81
1 300 1.21
2 100 0.71
2 200 0.91
2 300 1.41

Masahiro Yasugi